Adjunct Membership

The FA strongly encourages all adjunct colleagues to join the union! 

  • We have negotiated for adjuncts to not be removed from the seniority for up to eight semesters if you don't have an active assignment. If you find yourself without an assignment but wish to maintain your membership and many benefits, serve as an EC rep or on a committee, vote in elections, etc., you can pay a nominal fee and be listed as a NYSUT associate member (contact Anita for details).

Membership is especially critical for contingent faculty because it ensures that you will have representation by experienced unionists when being questioned by an administrator or when going through administration's investigative processes.

Periodically, an adjunct might resist joining and say, "but I've never had any issues with students or with my supervisor!" You never know when an issue might arise. You don't forgo car insurance just because you've never been in an accident; an accident can happen at any time and it can happen without any fault on your part.

We have had long-time, well-respected colleagues be on the receiving end of a sudden, unexpected student complaint or discrimination accusation and—believe us—you do not want to be sitting alone in that room as the college administration goes through the required legal proceedings.

That's precisely when you want experienced union officers by your side, people who know the contract and college policies inside and out. We will be there to help ensure the process is fair and objective, to answer your questions, and to provide comfort and reassurance. Members who have been through the process, even when the charges are found to be baseless, tell us that they are grateful to have had FA representation at every step along the way. Also, if and when the situation calls for it, we have NYSUT attorneys to further assist with your representation. 

  • It is so important to assure yourself of this kind of union representation and legal services during disciplinary proceedings because anyone can make a claim against you, and administration must investigate by law. 

So in addition to the numerous other benefits of membership indicated in our adjunct welcome and adjunct benefits pages, we encourage you to officially join the FA.

Do it today—because union policy prevents you from joining the FA after you get that dreaded phone call or email.

Contact the FA office to verify your membership status and/or to join today: or 631-451-4151.