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May 2015


Appreciation for administrative assistants aids AHRC
Cynthia Eaton


ahrc plants
Flowers and herbs purchased during the spring FA plant sale adorn the desk of FA administrative assistant Anita Greifenstein. (photo by Anita Greifenstein)

Notable totals during our spring plant sales made two very deserving groups of people very happy: our campus administrative assistants and the good people at Suffolk AHRC's Flowerfield Gardens.

Each fall and spring, the FA hosts plant sales at the Ammerman and Grant campuses and all proceeds go straight to Flowerfield Gardens, where individuals with intellectual and physical disabilities not only gain valuable work skills but also raise money for a variety of AHRC programs.

The April 22 sale at Ammerman raised $1,574 for Flowerfield Gardens. Numerous patrons expressed gratitude that the FA was holding this year's plant sale on administrative professionals day. It was a great way to contribute to a worthy cause in our community while simultaneously expressing appreciation for the good work that our support staff provides.

The following week, on April 29, the sale at the Grant campus raised an impressive total of $1,720.

Since 2004, the FA plant sales have raised a grand total of $45,555.99 for Flowerfield Gardens.