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September 2022

Filling vacancies in the Executive Council

Cynthia Eaton


  Post-It note that says nomination
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We have a few vacancies on our Executive Council (EC) for which we are running elections in keeping with our Elections Procedures. The call for nominations for these areas has been sent to each constituency listed below by email.

Members interested in joining the EC can learn more about being an EC rep by visiting the Executive Council page on the FA website or by contacting me:

The EC meets monthly during the academic year, typically on the second Thursday at 3:45 p.m. We will continue meeting via Zoom to accommodate reps who need the additional flexibility.

Election timeline

For uncontested positions, the timeline ends on October 10 with the nominee’s acceptance of their nomination. For any contested positions, the entire timeline applies.

9/12 Call for nominations
9/26 Close of nominations
10/10 Accept/decline deadline
10/11 Ballots distributed
11/3 Close of voting 11 a.m.
  Ballot counting 11:30 a.m.
11/10 EC certification

Positions to be filled

  1. Ammerman full-time rep for English
  2. Grant Campus full-time rep for Nursing, Health Science, Phys Ed, Veterinary Science
  3. Grant Campus full-time rep for Humanities
  4. College-wide adjunct rep for Nursing, Health Sciences, and Phys Ed
  5. College-wide adjunct rep for Social Sciences
  6. College-wide adjunct rep for Culinary, Fire Protection, Library, Electrical Tech, Drafting, Interior Design
  7. College-wide adjunct rep for PAs & Specialists in Instructional Labs
  8. College-wide adjunct rep for PAs & Specialists in Skills Centers