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April 2017

Adjunct update: NYSUT resolutions and professional development money

Kevin McCoy


Adjunct resolution presented at NYSUT RA
FA President Kevin Peterman stands to speak in support of the FA-sponsored resolution on adjunct faculty dues structure. (photo by Kevin McCoy)

Advocating for adjuncts

As mentioned in Cynthia Eaton's article on this year's NYSUT Representative Assembly, a group of FA officers and delegates recently attended the NYSUT RA in New York City.

The 2,000+ delegates there passed two resolutions that impact adjuncts. The Call for Pay Equity for Contingent Academic Labor in Higher Education resolution was introduced by the Professional Staff Congress, which represents CUNY faculty. It included provisions for pay equity, equitable access to employee benefits and opportunities for career advancement as well as a host of other issues where adjuncts do not receive the same benefits as full-time faculty.

While this resolution demonstrates NYSUT’s commitment to supporting the rights of adjuncts, the provisions of the resolution can only occur through collective bargaining at the various SUNY campuses.

The second resolution focuses on how NYSUT collects dues for adjuncts who work in multiple NYSUT institutions.

The Adjunct Faculty Dues Structure resolution was introduced by the FA and supported by the faculty unions at Herkimer County Community College, Orange County Community College and Fashion Institute of Technology. Many adjuncts teaching in SUNY colleges and universities work in public K-12 schools and/or colleges and universities that are also NYSUT locals, and they are charged NYSUT dues at each institution. The resolution asks NYSUT to establish a task force to address the dues structure that requires adjuncts to pay multiple dues. Look in future editions of The WORD to learn about progress on this task force.

Adjunct professional development funds still available

The FA has negotiated a separate professional development fund for adjunct faculty, with $10,000 available in the fall semester and $10,000 available in the spring. Usually by this time of year the fund is depleted. As of April 20 there is still over $3,500 available!

If you have three or more semesters of SCCC experience and are teaching/working two or more contact hours per semester, you're eligible to apply for these funds for professional purposes in an amount not to exceed $750 in any one academic year during which you're employed.

The money is awarded on a first come first served basis, so I encourage you to apply just as soon as you can, e.g., the moment you spot a great conference in your discipline that you wish to attend. If funds are not available, you will be put on wait list in case an adjunct who was due to receive funding is not able to make it to the conference. Click here to download the adjunct professional development form.

If you have questions about the adjunct professional development fund, contact Donna Krompinger in the Office of Faculty and Professional Advancement.