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June 2020


Promotion: Candidates still waiting for a decision
Courtney Brewer


  SCCC President Lou Petrizzo said he is

In the April 17, 2020, issue of Campus News, SCCC President Lou Petrizzo praised our faculty for delivering on "the impossible" by moving nearly 3,000 course sections to remote learning in just two weeks and expressed that college administration is "eternally grateful" to our members. This makes great press, of course, but seems to contradict the college withholding decisions on the status of our members' 2020-21 promotion applications.

As many of our members are aware, the college has not made any announcements about the promotion status of our members who are in the 2020-21 promotion cycle. These decisions are typically made in January at the promotions committee meeting, and candidates are informed in March of the decision.

Waiting to hear about their promotion status for three months longer than usual has brought unnecessary and undue additional stress to our members at a time when they're already stressed due to the pandemic upending our lives and the financial uncertainties of the college, county and state.

But while we are working to get the college to provide answers, I can share what we do currently know at this time.

For those who are in the 2020-21 promotion cycle and are waiting on a decision:

  • You should not reapply right now. The college briefs and emails going out regarding A Form deadlines are for new applicants.

  • Right now, no one has been denied promotion.

  • When decisions are announced, anyone who was denied based on merit will have an opportunity to reapply if they want to, but the deadline for reapplying has not yet been determined. It will depend on when the decisions come out, but applicants will have several weeks to reapply.

  • The FA is just as frustrated with the delay in decisions as the applicants are. We hate to keep saying "we're working on it," but that's basically what we are doing. We are working very hard on behalf of the applicants, but it is likely we will not have any decisions from administration in the very near future. We cannot force administration to make decisions.

For those who are entering into the 2021-22 process right now:
  • The deadline for the A Form cover sheet was June 15; the completed packet is due July 15.

  • Please send your A Form to your executive dean's office, with a cc to me and your direct supervisor.

  • You do not need to access your personnel file in order to add physical documents at this time; the timeline for needing documents in your folder will be determined at a later date.

  • You do not need physical signatures right now; you can submit an electronic copy.

  • If you are requesting any credit substitution, that request should have been made by now and, if it hasn't, you must do it ASAP.

  • If you need to submit official transcripts of your educational credits, please contact your institution and have transcripts sent to your executive dean's office.

If you have questions about any of the above, please email me, and I will do everything I can to assist you. Again, we know that this has been an incredibly frustrating issue for our members in the promotion process. We hear you, and we continue pursuing all avenues to rectify this situation.